Let’s say we want to build a custom multiarch image named my-image.
Very simple and minimalistic Dockerfile example:
FROM debian:latest
With buildah
Login to docker hub or your private registry:
buildah login docker.io
Create a manifest, it is a kind of enveloppe who will contain your docker image with different architectures.
buildah manifest create my-manifest
Build images and store them in your manifest:
for PLATFORM in linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm64/v8 linux/arm/v5 linux/arm/v6 linux/arm/v7 linux/arm/v8 linux/s390x linux/ppc64le
buildah bud --manifest my-manifest --platform ${PLATFORM}
$PLATFORM variable use $GOOS and $GOARCH variables, you can get a list by clicking here
If you inspect your manifest, you will see a json file with your images and their architectures:
buildah manifest inspect my-manifest
You can now push your manifest to docker hub and define a name and tag
: Without this parameter, manifest will be pushed without the images--format v2s2
: this format is mandatory to correctly display architectures in Docker Hub or Gitlab Registry. Default is oci.
buildah manifest push --all --format v2s2 my-manifest docker://docker.io/yourusername/yourimagename:yourtagname
Example image created with buildah:
With Docker
Install some dependencies for Debian:
sudo apt install -y qemu qemu-user-static qemu-user binfmt-support
Login to docker hub or your private registry:
docker login docker.io
Refresh available archs:
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
Instanciate your buildx build:
docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use
Inspect your setup:
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
Build your multiarch image:
docker buildx build -t yourusername/yourimagename:yourtagname --platform linux/s390x linux/ppc64le linux/arm64 linux/amd64 linux/arm/v7 linux/arm/v5 --push .
Gitlab CI/CD
I created this Gitlab repository to automate multiarch docker images build. It is a kind of playground where I experiment stuffs.
This repository use Gitlab CI/CD dynamic pipelines feature. In practice, I just have to add a new Dockerfile and multiarch Gitlab pipeline is automagically generated.
Docker images are automatically created > tested > pushed to docker hub.