Let’s say you have multiple ruby project on your laptop:

  • project A with Ruby 2.6
  • project B with Ruby 3.1 and dependencies in 5.x version
  • project C with Ruby 3.1 too but dependencies in 8.x version

What a mess ! RVM to the rescue !

RVM is a tool who will let you manage your ruby environments

Install RVM

$ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash

Open a new terminal to be able to use it.

Get available ruby versions

$ rvm list known

Install multiple versions

Each ruby version you will install will be located on your home folder.

For the 3 version:

rvm install 3.1

For the 2.6 version

rvm install 2.6

Use a given version

rvm use 2.6

Create isolated environments

Project A

Let’s say you want to work on your project A with ruby 2.6.

Switch to ruby 2.6

rvm use 2.6

Create an isolated 2.6 environment for your project. It is called a gemset:

rvm gemset create project-a

Use it:

rvm gemset use project-a

Then install your gems:

bundle install

Project B

Let’s switch to your B project who is using Ruby 3.1

rvm use 3.1

And create an isolated 3 environment for your project.

rvm gemset create project-b

Use it:

rvm gemset use project-b

Then install your gems:

bundle install

RVM configuration files

You can make rvm automatically switch to your ruby environment and version automagically depending the project you are located in by creating a rvmrc file.

Create a .rvmrc file:

rvm rvmrc create

Trust your file:

rvm rvmrc trust

Convert configuration file to ruby version:

rvm rvmrc to ruby-version


You can now easily switch between your ruby environments.

First switch to a ruby version, then you can list available gemsets for a given ruby version with this command:

rvm gemset list

If you want to go back to ruby provided by your operating system:

rvm use system