GPG Memo for passbolt
I use for this memo a temporary gpg homedir named gpg-tmp mkdir gpg-tmp Since 3.6.0 version, passbolt can use Elliptic ed25519 GPG keys. We will see how to silently create both RSA/ECC GPG keys Create RSA key with passphrase gpg --homedir gpg-tmp --batch --no-tty --gen-key <<EOF Key-Type: rsa Key-Length: 4096 Key-Usage: sign,cert Subkey-Type: rsa Subkey-Length: 4096 SubKey-Usage: encrypt Name-Real: John Doe Name-Email: [email protected] Expire-Date: 0 Passphrase: a-strong-passphrase %commit EOF Create RSA key without passphrase gpg --homedir gpg-tmp --batch --no-tty --gen-key <<EOF Key-Type: rsa Key-Length: 4096 Key-Usage: sign,cert Subkey-Type: rsa Subkey-Length: 4096 SubKey-Usage: encrypt Name-Real: John Doe Name-Email: john@doe....